Acequia Park • El Paso • Texas

Acequia Park | El Paso | Texas

Hotel, restaurant, and shopping elements at the new hotel/retail development immediately south of the El Paso International Airport are organized around a new east-west promenade culminating in a new full-service hotel. Pedestrian design elements along the promenade will include major landscaping, colorful shading devices, water features, and festive lighting. A large water feature and roundabout will be the featured element and terminus in front of the hotel. The forms, massing, and colors utilized in the design of the hotel, restaurant, and shops are clean and modern, while still reflecting the local heritage.

Location : El Paso, Texas | Phase : RFP Presentation | General Contractor : Jordan Foster Construction | Civil : Conde Inc. | Landscape : Sites Southwest | Structural : L.A. Fuess Partners Structural Engineers

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